Thank You Christian Healthcare Ministries For The Featured Newsletter Article

CHM July 2016 NewsletterI’m happy to report that all of our hospital costs have been paid for under the Christian Healthcare Ministries plan guidelines. We received our last check in the mail a few months ago which was about 4 months after our last submitted medical expense. We are now on the giving end of the ministry!

I have to admit I was nervous in the beginning because CHM isn’t health insurance, but rather a group of people (Christians) who share each others medical expenses. I knew we would have to pay out of pocket some of our expenses but it was still better than the ObamaCare plans we qualified for.

Through this experience I learned that the average (healthy individual) can get decent discounts from healthcare providers as long as you are self-pay (un-insured), and that they ask for those discounts. Instead of the hospital dealing with an insurance provider they deal directly with you. In most cases you can obtain discounts of at least 50% of what would have been billed to insurance.

This alone saved us more money than if we had insurance. I remember paying out of pocket thousands of dollar before insurance kicked in back in 2011-2012. I understand that some individuals need insurance and traditional health insurance can help truly sick people who have no other ways for paying their medical bills.

I would like to thank Christian Healthcare Ministries for their recent article regarding our experience and we look forward to the future as loyal members and Christians of this health sharing group. You can read the July 2016 Newsletter Here.

If you join Christian Healthcare Ministries and wish to use us as your referral, please let me know and contact us! We receive credit for referring others to the ministry, which is a month free for us. You can either click this link or use our referral ID – 200300 when you join! – Thank you from our ‘growing’ family!

*The views expressed within this article and website are my own. These are my personal experiences and may be different than what you experience.

About Derek

I'm married to my awesome wife Melissa, have a 2 year old son (Elijah), a 6 month old daughter (Emmeline) and love to travel! If I could live anywhere in the world I would go to India, where the children will steal your heart and never let you go!

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